Age Discrimination – Speak Up And Stop It
Do you feel as if your employer or former employer discriminated against you because of your age? Many older people are losing the jobs that they've held for many, many years because companies are looking for excuses to get rid of the employees with the most seniority and higher pay rates. If you feel that you've been discriminated against due to your age, don't stay silent. Here, you'll find some information to help you learn what to do.
Stop and Write it Down
Right now, stop what you're doing and write down as many details about the workplace and what happened as you can remember. The longer you wait, the blurrier the memories can become. If you're still working for the company, continue keeping a journal of any activity that makes you feel as though your age is becoming an issue.
Talk with a Discrimination Lawyer
The best way to know if you have a discrimination case against the employer is to talk with a discrimination lawyer. The lawyer will sit down and talk with you about what you've been going through. He or she will then do some research and let you know what the best course of action to take would be.
If you want to file suit against the company, your lawyer will let you know how to proceed. If you're looking for protection against future discrimination, they may be able to help. Nobody will give you a straight answer like the lawyer that is working with you to help you put a stop to a bad situation.
Don't Waste Time
There are time restrictions on how long you can wait to file a complaint or lawsuit against a company for discrimination. Not only are their time restraints on the process, but the longer you wait, the better the chances of any evidence that could help you prove your case being destroyed. To know how long the time-frame is, you'll have to research your state laws – these things vary from state to state, but your attorney will know the exact deadlines for taking action.
You don't have to continue living with what you've been going through. Hopefully, with the information above, you'll be able to find the help that you need to get out from under an employer that is holding you down just because you've been around a few more years than he has. Contact a job discrimination attorney near you to get help. Good luck, and know that you're not alone.