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Tax Burden Bargaining: Understanding The Law

When you find yourself facing a significant tax burden, it can be tough to know where to start to pay it down. Unfortunately, the government may not wait for you to sort it out. If you find yourself served with a legal notice for repayment, you need to talk with an attorney right away. A tax law attorney can help you evaluate the situation and potentially file for a reconsideration. If nothing else, he or she will talk with you about your legal options for repayment and what the government can and cannot do. This site will help you see what my experience has been so you can understand some of the options you may want to consider.


3 Tips For Using Exhibits In A Trial

23 October 2017
 Categories: Law, Blog

If you are facing criminal charges, and you have decided to fight the charges with a jury trial, one important tool your attorney can use to make your case are exhibits. Exhibits are a great way to make your case. Work with your attorney to ensure that they use exhibits to your advantage. #1 Keep The Exhibit Visible One of the big mistakes that many trial attorneys make is they just quickly flash the exhibit before they put it down and move onto the next point in their case. Read More …

Why Having An Attorney In Life Is Vital

23 September 2017
 Categories: Law, Blog

Attorneys know the law and offer legal services and advice for situations that involve legal issues. If you currently do not have an attorney that you use for problems or to answer your questions, you should look for one. Here are some reasons you may need to call your attorney from time to time, and you will be glad you have one if you ever encounter questions or legal problems. Read More …

How Much Financial Help Can You Get For Your Medical Condition?

14 September 2017
 Categories: Law, Blog

For some people, the circumstances of their medical condition make it possible for them to take part in more than one type of monetary benefit. To qualify for both workers' compensation and Social Security you must have a condition that checks off several boxes, and the rules about how much you can get are somewhat complicated. Read on to learn more about the requirements for both of these programs and how you may get benefits from both of them. Read More …

2 Reasons To Hire A Bail Bonds Company

8 September 2017
 Categories: Law, Blog

One of the most useful companies to deal with when you have a friend or loved one that has been arrested is a bail bonds company, typically because this service will be able to quickly and efficiently secure that person's release so that they can enjoy their freedom until they need to go to court. The way that this type of service works is by requiring someone to put up a small fee and some collateral in order to get the bail bonds service to put up the entirety of your loved one's bail so that they can get out of jail. Read More …

Timeshare Not All You Expected? Why It Might Be Time To Speak To A Timeshare Attorney

2 September 2017
 Categories: Law, Blog

If you're trying to get out of your timeshare contract, you're going to need legal representation. Timeshares are a tricky business, and it's not always easy to get out from under the contract. In fact, it can be downright impossible to walk away from a timeshare. That doesn't mean you should give up, especially if you have a valid claim. Here are four reasons to have a timeshare contract voided. If any of these reasons sound familiar, you should consult with a timeshare attorney before you make another move against the timeshare company. Read More …