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Tax Burden Bargaining: Understanding The Law

When you find yourself facing a significant tax burden, it can be tough to know where to start to pay it down. Unfortunately, the government may not wait for you to sort it out. If you find yourself served with a legal notice for repayment, you need to talk with an attorney right away. A tax law attorney can help you evaluate the situation and potentially file for a reconsideration. If nothing else, he or she will talk with you about your legal options for repayment and what the government can and cannot do. This site will help you see what my experience has been so you can understand some of the options you may want to consider.


How Much Should You Say: DUI Charges And Privileged Communications

22 March 2017
 Categories: Law, Blog

For most people, the thought that they might one day find themselves behind bars because of an arrest for driving under the influence (DUI) is preposterous, but it happens every day to people just like you. When it does happen, your best course of action is to acquire legal representation as soon as possible and to be as open with your attorney as you can be about the events that got you into trouble with the law. Read More …

What You Need To Consider Before Filing Your Workers’ Comp Claim

14 March 2017
 Categories: Law, Articles

If you have been injured at work, then you may be concerned about the expenses you may incur as you heal. These expenses may include medical costs as well as missed wages and physical therapy. These expenses are typically paid to you by your employer's workers' compensation insurance. Before you can file your claim, you should understand whether you are actually eligible to receive a payment or not. Keep reading to learn about a few things you will need to look into. Read More …

3 Popular Options for Separating as Business Partners During a Divorce

9 March 2017
 Categories: Law, Blog

Once your spouse has become a business partner, it's too late to change that decision. However, it's typically best to keep the personal and professional areas of your life separate. If you have already partnered with your spouse in life and in business, you may pay a heavy price in the divorce. Be sure to see a business law attorney and consider these three options for separating with your spouse as your business partner. Read More …

3 Tips For Building An Employment Discrimination Lawsuit

7 March 2017
 Categories: Law, Articles

Most people would agree that employment decisions should be based on factors like merit or seniority, not factors like gender or race. Unfortunately, discrimination in the workforce does still happen. When it does, you have options. You may be able to file an employment discrimination lawsuit. But to do that successfully, you will have to build a strong case. Employment discrimination can be difficult to prove. Take a look at some tips that will help you build a discrimination case that will hold up in court. Read More …

4 Reasons to Hire a Divorce Attorney

2 March 2017
 Categories: Law, Blog

If you're thinking about filing for divorce, you want to make sure that the process goes as smoothly as possible. This can help to lessen stress and make everything go faster. When going through a divorce, it's recommended that you hire a skilled divorce attorney so that you can proper legal advice and feel more comfortable. An attorney can help you in many ways. Keep reading to better understand the reasons as to why you may want to hire a divorce attorney. Read More …