Tax Burden Bargaining: Understanding The Law

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Tax Burden Bargaining: Understanding The Law

When you find yourself facing a significant tax burden, it can be tough to know where to start to pay it down. Unfortunately, the government may not wait for you to sort it out. If you find yourself served with a legal notice for repayment, you need to talk with an attorney right away. A tax law attorney can help you evaluate the situation and potentially file for a reconsideration. If nothing else, he or she will talk with you about your legal options for repayment and what the government can and cannot do. This site will help you see what my experience has been so you can understand some of the options you may want to consider.


Timeshare Not All You Expected? Why It Might Be Time To Speak To A Timeshare Attorney

2 September 2017
 Categories: Law, Blog

If you're trying to get out of your timeshare contract, you're going to need legal representation. Timeshares are a tricky business, and it's not always easy to get out from under the contract. In fact, it can be downright impossible to walk away from a timeshare. That doesn't mean you should give up, especially if you have a valid claim. Here are four reasons to have a timeshare contract voided. If any of these reasons sound familiar, you should consult with a timeshare attorney before you make another move against the timeshare company. Read More …

Difficulties Of Using Adultery As A Divorce Ground

23 August 2017
 Categories: Law, Blog

Getting cheated on can elicit mixed feelings such as frustration, anger, and hurt. This is why many people who have been cheated on wish to use adultery as a ground for divorce. Unfortunately, using adultery as a ground for divorce isn't always a good idea; here is why: Proving Adultery Is Difficult  Knowing that your partner cheated on you is one thing; being able to prove it in a divorce court is another. Read More …

3 Reasons To Report Work Accidents Immediately

14 August 2017
 Categories: Law, Blog

Getting hurt at work can be a horrible thing, and you might not really know what to do if there is an accident. Some people hold off on letting their employers know about it, but it's almost always best to go ahead and report work accidents as soon as possible. These are the main reasons why. 1. Encourage Necessary Changes First of all, in many cases, after an accident happens in the workplace, it's a good idea for the employer to look for positive changes that can be made that can help prevent future accidents from occurring. Read More …

The Dos And Don’ts Of Pursuing A Divorce From An Abusive Spouse

4 August 2017
 Categories: Law, Blog

Abuse is absolutely a good reason to file for divorce. If your spouse has been abusing you, either physically or verbally, you owe it to yourself to seek a divorce so that you can move on with your life and pursue healthier endeavors and relationships. But divorcing from an abusive individual is often more complicated than you would hope. To ensure this process is not any more difficult than it needs to be, and also to ensure a prompt divorce, adhere to these dos and don'ts. Read More …

How to Get a Liquor License & Avoid Objections from the Community

18 April 2017
 Categories: Law, Articles

Liquor sales is the bread and butter for many restaurants and establishments, as liquor typically has a profit margin between 80% and 85% and draft beer usually has a profit margin around 80%. Before you can sell liquor at your restaurant or establishment, you must first obtain an on-license. When applying for an on-license, community members have a right to weigh in and object your application. All objections will be taken into account by the city and will heavily influence how successful you will be in getting that license. Read More …