Tax Burden Bargaining: Understanding The Law

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Tax Burden Bargaining: Understanding The Law

When you find yourself facing a significant tax burden, it can be tough to know where to start to pay it down. Unfortunately, the government may not wait for you to sort it out. If you find yourself served with a legal notice for repayment, you need to talk with an attorney right away. A tax law attorney can help you evaluate the situation and potentially file for a reconsideration. If nothing else, he or she will talk with you about your legal options for repayment and what the government can and cannot do. This site will help you see what my experience has been so you can understand some of the options you may want to consider.


Tips For Collecting Witness Statements After A Car Crash

17 November 2014
 Categories: Law, Articles

Whether you're submitting a claim to your insurance company or filing a personal injury lawsuit against another driver, witness statements will be an integral part of your case. Witnesses to the accident can provide added support to your side of the events, which can increase your chances of winning your case. Here are a few tips for obtaining credible witness statements after you've been in a car accident. All Witnesses Are Not the Same Read More …

Suing A Restaurant For A Food Allergy Situation

17 November 2014
 Categories: Law, Articles

Living with a food allergy makes eating out somewhat more difficult, but if you've lived with this allergy for a while, you probably have a routine set up that helps you eat safely no matter where you go. Unfortunately, no matter how much effort you put forth, you may still end up eating something that you are allergic to. The results of this can be devastating in some cases, but you may be able to recover damages by suing the restaurant. Read More …

Four Hazards In Your Office That Can Kill Or Hurt You: How To Be Alert And Stay Safe

14 November 2014
 Categories: Law, Articles

When you think about job safety and injury prevention, you probably picture someone driving a bulldozer, using a cutting torch or any number of other tasks that involve physical risk. However, if you work in an office, you may be surprised to know that there are a variety of things within your environment that can seriously harm or even kill you. Here are four specific hazards and how you can stay safe and healthy while working with and around them: Read More …

Injured In An Accident Involving A Semi Truck? Your Lawyer Can Help Prove That Driver Fatigue Played A Role

13 November 2014
 Categories: Law, Articles

Have you been in an automobile accident involving a semi truck? Do you suspect that the driver of the truck was fatigued at the time of your accident? While there aren't any tests than can be administered to determine a driver's level of exhaustion, there are some things your lawyer can do to help solidify your claim. Read on to learn how your auto accident attorney can help prove that the semi truck driver who hit your vehicle was over-tired ( and therefor negligent) at the time of the collision. Read More …

Things Not To Do While Waiting To Be Approved For Your Social Security Disability Claim

29 October 2014
 Categories: , Articles

If you have been injured seriously enough that you have applied to receive social security disability benefits, the wait for a final decision can be difficult. While you are waiting, there are certain things that you may not want to do that could cause you to receive a denial. Working Before Approval It would be best if you do not work while you are waiting for an initial decision. And although the temptation may be strong to work part-time while waiting for your claim to go through, you may want to avoid doing so during this period. Read More …